Watering Around the Weather: Your Guide to Lawn Care in Florida
Here in Florida, many homeowners like to maintain lawns on their properties. Lawns not only look great, but they also provide a wonderful place for your children or pets to play. What’s more, a well-maintained lawn can actually add to the value of your home, helping you to claim a higher price when you decide to sell. Of course, in order to keep your lawn looking its best, you’ll need to ensure it gets adequate water, especially during the dry season.
Florida’s Climate
Although it can be quite hot and humid in Florida in the summer, it tends to be much drier in the other seasons. During the rainy season, which runs from about June to October, there’ll be plenty of rainfall to keep your lawn hydrated. In the spring, though, you likely won’t see much rain, if any at all. We do see a few showers in April, though, and these brief periods of rainfall can really help your lawn during this challenging time of the year.
Lawn Watering Restrictions
Due to water shortages throughout the region, most jurisdictions in Florida have lawn watering restrictions in place. These regulations vary from county to county, so be sure to check for the specific rules in your area. Typically, these restrictions cover things like the number of days you can water each week, for how long you can run your sprinklers and even which days you are allowed to water. In most counties, you are allowed to water your lawn once a week in April. Unfortunately, watering your lawn just one day a week isn’t enough to keep your lawn properly hydrated, so you may find that you have some dry patches leading into the summer. Once the rains return, though, your lawn should bounce right back.
If your area requires you to water on a specific day, you won’t have any choice in the matter. If, however, you live in an area that allows you to water on any day you choose, as long as you only water one day per week, you can time your watering around April showers to give your lawn the most water. Keep an eye on the weather forecast for the coming week, and try to time your sprinkler use in between any upcoming showers. This way, your lawn will get water from the rain and from your sprinklers. If there is no rain predicted, stick to watering on the same day each week.
How to Water Your Florida Lawn
The best time of day to water your lawn is early in the morning before the sun comes up. Once the sun is out, it can get too hot for proper watering. The heat from the sun will cause some of the water to evaporate before it even hits the ground, reducing the amount of water your lawn actually receives. In the early morning hours, the grass is likely already damp from dew, so it is primed to soak up all the water from your sprinklers.
Aim for running your sprinklers for about half an hour. If you run them for a shorter period, the water won’t soak as deeply into the soil, leaving the root structure of the grass short and weak. You want to give the water time to penetrate the ground to encourage deeper root growth to help your lawn withstand the heat of summer. Watering for longer than half an hour, on the other hand, can deliver too much water. Over time, this can lead to mold and bacteria growth, which can smother your lawn. The half an hour time frame is just a general guideline, though, so experiment to find the perfect sprinkling duration for your lawn.
Fill in Any Bare Patches
If your lawn didn’t quite make it through the dry season and is looking a bit patchy, the experts here at Duda Sod will be happy to help. We carry sod for all of the grass varieties that are popular here in Florida, so we can match your existing lawn. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our sod varieties and how we can help you keep your lawn looking lush and beautiful year round.