Got Grassy Weeds? Identifying Common Lawn Weeds
Weeds are a common problem for homeowners with lawns everywhere, including here in Florida. If you are struggling to keep weeds in your lawn at bay, it is important to take a strategic approach to ensure they don’t come back. Simply attacking as they appear can help with the problem temporarily, but having a plan in place will make it easier to get rid of them for good. Here’s what you need to do.
Identify the Types of Weeds in Your Florida Lawn
There are many different species of weeds that call Florida home, and you are likely to encounter several of them in your lawn over the years. To be most effective in getting rid of these weeds, it is crucial that you understand what you are dealing with. Take the time to research so you can identify them. A lawn care specialist or local landscaper can also help you determine what types of weeds you have. Once you know how these particular weeds propagate, you will be better equipped to combat them.
Watch for Any Weed Patterns over the Years
While this approach may take some time, it can help you greatly in your ongoing battle against weeds in your lawn. Make note of where weeds appear each time they come up so that you can identify any patterns over time. If weeds keep returning in a specific area, you’ll know exactly where to target with your weed treatments. This makes your efforts more localized and efficient, protecting your lawn and the groundwater from unnecessary chemicals.
Give Your Lawn the Care It Needs
Keeping your lawn weed-free is about more than just pulling or killing the weeds; you’ll also need to keep your lawn lush and thick. When your lawn is healthy and strong, it is much more difficult for weeds to gain a foothold. Follow the recommended guidelines for mowing, watering, and fertilizing your specific type of grass to keep it at its best. If you are struggling to keep your lawn healthy and thriving, it may not be the right type of grass for the Florida climate or for the balance of shade and sunlight in your yard. Check the suitability of your grass type for your local area. If it is not well-equipped for the weather here, you may wish to consider installing a new grass species with fresh sod to make your life easier.
Keep Pests Away
While pests make seem like a separate problem to weeds, the two are actually interconnected. Pest infestations can weaken your lawn, which, in turn, makes it more prone to weeds. Not only that, but many common lawn pests can actually distribute weed seeds throughout your lawn as they dig and tunnel, helping the weeds to propagate even further. To keep your lawn as healthy as possible, it is crucial that you tackle both pests and weeds simultaneously.
Weed Control Strategies
If you are dealing with only a few weeds at a time, you can typically pull them out by hand. In doing so, always ensure you remove the entire root structure to prevent them from growing back again. In some cases, simply pulling the weeds out will get the job done. But with some weed types, like Florida pusley and Virginia buttonweed, you may need to dig a bit with a shovel to get all of the roots out.
For larger weed infestations, you may need to attack with an herbicide targeted to the specific weed type.
Herbicides can be remarkably effective when used appropriately. Take the time to identify the right chemical solution to meet your needs. Always apply herbicides according to the package instructions, or follow the guidance of experienced yard care professionals.
Be sure to remove any weeds in your lawn prior to mowing, as lawnmowers can distribute seeds across your lawn, potentially making your weed problem even worse. Dispose of any removed weeds well away from your lawn to prevent any seeds from blowing back into the grass.
Restore Your Lawn with Fresh Sod
In some cases, it may be a smarter approach to simply rip out the entire lawn and start from scratch.