Tips for Installing Sod in Your Florida Lawn
The warm, humid climate here in Florida is great for many different types of grass. However, the warm weather can also bring harsh sun and extreme heat from time to time. Not only that, but you’ll also have to contend with a variety of lawn pests and diseases that are common in the area if you want to keep your lawn looking healthy and lush. If you find your lawn riddled with bare or dry patches, installing fresh sod can be the perfect solution to your problem. Here are some installation tips for a thriving lawn.
Determine Your Specific Grass Type
There are many different species of grass, so it is important to know which type you have in your lawn. Each style of grass comes with slightly different watering, mowing, and care requirements to keep it at its healthiest. If you mix multiple grass species, you may end up with some lawn areas that are better-looking than others due to the differences in care. If all your grass is of the same type, it will all look lush and healthy.
Address Any Pest or Disease Problems
Lawn pests, rot, and disease can destroy your lawn over time, and replacing damaged areas with new sod will only prolong the issue. Before you install new sod, you should first attempt to determine what caused the grass in that area to die off in the first place. If you replace it without addressing the underlying problem, it will likely keep coming back year after year. If you find any pests or signs of disease in your lawn, take the time to treat your lawn to eliminate these issues before replacing the sod to give it the best possible chance of surviving and thriving in the future.
Calculate How Much Sod You’ll Need
Now that you have taken care of any lawn health issues, the next step is to measure the areas you’ll need to cover with new sod. This way, you’ll know how much sod to buy to fill in any bare patches. It is always smart to err on the higher side to ensure you don’t run out of sod while filling in all of your lawn’s trouble areas. It is much better to have a little bit extra than not enough. If your lawn has curved or irregular edges, you may need to cut some of your sod pieces to fit, and having some extra will help in this area as well.
Prepare the Soil
Before installing new sod in your Florida lawn, it is a good idea to check your soil composition to ensure it is right for your grass type. Mix in new soil to achieve the correct consistency. Even if your soil already contains the necessary nutrients and minerals, you’ll still want to till and aerate it to help your new grass take root. Aim to freshen up the soil to about 6 to 8 inches below the surface to get the best results. Finally, rake the soil to create a level surface on which to lay the sod.
Lay Down the Sod
Typically, sod comes in squares, making it quick and easy to install. Simply line up one end of the sod piece and lay it one after another in a brick pattern so the seams are offset. Take the time to smooth out any lumps or ripples. Repeat this process until all areas are covered. Be sure to place the sod in front of you, walking backwards so that you don’t step on the fresh sod. Additionally, don’t forget to cut holes for your sprinklers if you have them!
Stay off of the new sod for the first few weeks after installation to allow it to fully take root. Your grass will need more water than usual in the early stages, and you may need to water every day for a week or more. You can then taper off gradually to return to your normal watering schedule. Wait at least a week, preferably two, before mowing. You will also want to avoid using a ride-on mower until your lawn is well-established.
Trust Duda Sod for Fresh Sod for Sale in Florida
Contact our experts for assistance with selecting the perfect sod for your Florida lawn. We can help arrange installation for you as well, so give us a call today! 321.403.9671