artificial green grass turf sport soccer field with black rubber granules infill

Grass Sod for Sports Fields: Achieving Excellent Playability and Durability

Choosing the right grass sod for sports fields is incredibly important, as the quality and durability of the grass can impact players’ ability to enjoy the game successfully. Sod that isn’t well-suited to sports use can end up with bare patches, weeds, and other hazards that can change the way balls roll across the surface of the grass. This can put players at greater risk for injury.

Read on to learn more about what you should be looking out for when selecting grass sod, along with which varieties are the best options here in Florida. 

Able to Withstand Foot Traffic 

Durability is one of the most critical concerns, as sports fields generally experience much higher foot traffic than other grass areas. With so many players running or walking on the grass, the grass must be able to hold up under that heavy use. The grass you choose should bounce back fairly quickly after being trodden on, and the blades should bend but not break under pressure. 

Recovers Quickly from Injury 

In many sports, players are required to use equipment or wear cleats, which can damage grass much more than regular sneakers. This can leave your sports field with divots, holes, and bare patches. Look for a grass that grows quickly, as grasses with this characteristic can fill in damaged areas more readily than a variety with a slower growth rate. 

High Drought Tolerance 

Any lawn requires relatively large amounts of water to keep it growing strong and healthy, and with sports fields, the amount of water needed is magnified due to the large space size. With watering restrictions in many areas throughout Florida, the last thing you want for your sports field is grass that requires more water than most. Look for grass sod that is designed to be drought-tolerant to keep your water impact to a minimum. 

Can Grow in Shade 

Depending on the layout and surroundings of your sports field, you may have shady spots on the grass to contend with. Bleachers, snack bars, trees, lights, and others can cast shadows across the field at various times of the day. If you notice that certain areas tend to get much more shade than others throughout the day, take care in choosing a sod variety that can grow successfully in both sun and shade. You want to avoid ending up with uneven turf due to impeded growth in shaded areas. 

Excellent Fresh Sod in Florida 

Several types of grass sod are particularly popular for sports fields here in Florida: 

  • Bermuda – Bermuda grass is one of the most commonly chosen for sports fields thanks to its durability, hardiness, and drought tolerance. However, it requires more care and maintenance than some other varieties. 
  • Celebration Bermuda – Of all Bermuda grasses, the Celebration variety is the highest-ranked for shade and drought tolerance. It also requires far less fertilization than standard Bermuda and will generally keep its vibrant color well into fall. 
  • Zoysia – Zoysia grass is a popular choice for sports fields because its blades are non-irritating and soft to the touch. It is a reasonably slow-growing variety, keeping maintenance to a minimum, and it is pretty hardy and damage-resistant. 
  • Bimini – Bimini grass boasts a deep, dark green color, even in winter, which is why it is so famous for golf courses and other sports applications. It resists foot traffic and recovers rapidly from injury, growing quickly to fill gaps. It also withstands drought and extreme cold better than many other natural grass types. 

Find the Best Athletic Field Sod Choice for Sale 

If you are unsure which sod type is best for your sports field needs, the Duda Sod team will be more than happy to help. Our sod farms in Florida produce some of the healthiest, strongest sod across many popular varieties. Our experts can evaluate your needs and help you choose the most appropriate sod for your particular application and conditions. Feel free to get in touch with us at any time to schedule your sod installation appointment.