Curb Appeal and Selling a Home
When you are preparing to sell your home, it is important to consider not just the interior of the house, but its exterior as well. Curb appeal can have a major influence over buyers, as it helps them establish a crucial, positive first impression of your property and the overall neighborhood. If possible, take some time before putting your house on the market to help cater to these kinds of buyers. This way, it will look great in the listing and marketing materials, and it will also be attractive to more buyers.
Paint the Trim
If you don’t have the time or the budget to paint the entire exterior of your home, at the very least repaint the trim. It is amazing just how much this simple change can transform the look of your home, making it feel fresher and well-maintained. This also paints the visual effect that your plants and shrubs look more well-groomed as well. Depending on the exterior construction of your home, you may be able to handle this task yourself, or it might make more sense to call in a professional house painter to get the job done right.
Add Some Path Lighting
Lighting along the pathway to your front door welcomes visitors (and prospective buyers) to your home. For evening and overnight guests, it also provides safety and guidance, especially for those unfamiliar with the property. You can pick up simple solar lights at your local hardware store. Stick them in the ground along the borders of the path to go with the design of your plants and grass for an added tailored-look.
Check Other Exterior Lights
In addition to the pathway lighting, you’ll also want to have a light over the front door or porch so guests can see their way in at night. It also makes your home look better at night and can help to deter potential burglars. Lighting on either side of your garage can be helpful in these areas as well. We always recommend lighting as well if you set your sprinklers on overnight or in the early hours. This way, you can ensure that your sprinklers are pointing in the right directions and are working properly to water your lawn.
Frame the Front Door
Part of the goal of curb appeal is to create a welcoming atmosphere on the way into your home. Adding furnishings or decor near the front door puts the focus on the way inside. Add a potted plant or bench to make the entry space feel warm and inviting. Compliment this with a leading entryway of sod to give it a pop of color as well.
Plant Some Fresh Flowers
While it may be a bit late to add a large tree to your property, you can certainly plant a few flowers to add splashes of color throughout your yard. Consider the exterior color scheme of your home in choosing the flowers. While there is no need for them to match perfectly, you also don’t want them to clash or look too busy. Think about the colors and sizes of the flowers in relation to each other as well. You want to create depth and visual interest throughout the yard.
Consider Your Window Shades
Although your shutters, blinds or shades are inside your home, they have an impact on its exterior appearance. Closing the window coverings during the day can help keep the internal temperature down when the weather gets hot. When you are trying to sell your house, leave the shutters or shades open unless needed for privacy reasons. This will make the house look open and inviting rather than closed-off.
Ensure Your Lawn Is Healthy and Green
The front lawn is one of the first things people notice when they arrive at your home, and this includes prospective buyers. Make sure that you are following the recommended care instructions for your particular grass type while also following any local watering restrictions. Time your watering during cooler parts of the day to ensure your grass is getting plenty of water, like overnight or early in the morning. Be vigilant about pulling weeds and monitoring common lawn pest activity as well to help keep it looking cared for.
Repair a Damaged Lawn with Fresh Sod Replacement
If your lawn has bare or dry patches, all hope is not lost. You can replace the dead or damaged areas with new, healthy sod. At Duda Sod, we have many varieties of sod for sale in Orlando, including varieties that grow well in Florida’s climate. We are your go-to source for all your St. Augustine, Bahia, and Floratam sod in South Florida. Reach out to our team today to choose the perfect sod for your yard to help you sell your home!